Options in Supported Living is now doing business as Compass.

(916) 492-2020

Options in Supported Living (Options) was incorporated in February 2003 to serve adults with developmental disabilities living in their own homes. Options was born of the necessity of dividing its predecessor, My Home: Opportunities in Supported Living, into two smaller services (Options and Covenant SLS) to ensure our ability to continue providing localized supported living services of the highest quality.

Options will continue in the footsteps of its predecessor, My Home, in providing services to consumers traditionally thought to be difficult to serve. We will prioritize serving individuals who, because of the complexity of their disability, (for example Prader-Willi Syndrome) or the severity of their reputations have found it extremely difficult to get the supported living services they need.   Options is committed to highly individualized quality services and evaluates whether or not we are a good match on a case by case basis.

Melanie Anderson
Fara Reed
Jennifer Mazzotti

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