Providing quality services for adults with disabilities.

(916) 492-2020

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The individuals that will receive services from Options are challenged with a range of developmental disabilities qualifying them for Regional Center services in one or more of the 5 categories. Options Supported Living Services are offered for as long and as often as needed, with the flexibility required to meet a persons’ changing needs over time, and without regard solely to the level of disability as long as appropriate funding is available.  Options serves adults with developmental disabilities, both ambulatory and non-ambulatory, age 18 to any age the person can be safely and successfully supported in their own home and community.


In keeping with Alta California Regional Center’s commitment to providing quality services, the support that we will provide seeks to increase each individual’s:

  • Well-being and quality of life;
  • Self-Reliance, problem-solving skills and control over their lives;
  • Participation in their community;
  • Ability to realize their dreams and fully plan their own lives;

Client Testimonials


Marci is a 39 year old wonder woman who is loved by everyone she meets.  Marci has been with Options since 2017. She is a very social, caring person who loves animals. Marci has really learned to speak up and advocate for herself and is very proud of her independence. Marci loves art, any kind of art. She mostly loves coloring but also enjoys painting. Marci told us she got into art when she was 12 years old when her Grandma taught her to color in the lines.  She participates Adult Education art classes in her community and generously shares her masterpieces with others.  When asked what she likes about art she said, “Art is part of my life, like a career.


I’m happy. I have no complaints. Even when we (Jo and Facilitator) can’t see each other in person (because of the Shelter In Place) we still talk a lot (Facetime and calls). We are working on a plan to do art projects together using Facetime. Things are good.

-JoDell Bush


What sets us apart

Person Centered thinking is the expectation and best-practice in Supported Living.  Options works proactively to help the person to be an active part of the interviewing process to maximize their role in decision-making.

After Options has completed the agreed upon pre-screening and found someone who best matches the job description for the position, the consumer and/or his/her chosen supporters will interview the potential support people. Interviews will be held in settings that give the consumer optimal opportunity to decide whether they prefer this person or not.

If communication barriers make it difficult for the consumer to communicate their preferences in choosing a paid staff person, agreements will be made between the consumer and paid staff that respect the consumer choices and ensure that the consumer likes working with the support person.

Coordination of Access to Generic Resources

Options has worked to develop knowledge and connections with community and generic resources.  Options assists consumers supported to maximize In Home Support Services as well as other non-regional center funded resources. Options has an intense focus on affordable housing with more than 70% of the people we support having an affordable housing voucher.

5 Principles of Supported Living

1. A Home of One’s Own

  • Individuals live in homes that they own, lease or rent like other members of their community.
  • They choose where they live and with whom, and they control what happens in their home.
  • Individuals are secure in their homes and do not have to move if their needs, their services or their service agency changes.
  • Individuals are safe in their home and neighborhood.

2. Choice and Self-Directed

  • An Individual makes his or her own everyday choices.
  • Individuals plan for their futures.
  • They direct the services they receive and have a choice of agencies and staff.
  • Individuals are supported (e.g. technology, communication devices, behavioral support) to communicate their preferences, choices and needs.
  • Individuals are satisfied with the services they receive.

3. Relationships

  • An individual has family, friends and neighbors who support him or her in regular ways or as paid help.
  • The individual and his or her circle of support work together as a team with the supported living agency and others to share responsibility for his or her well-being.

4. Community Membership

  • An Individual fully participates in the mainstream of community life.
  • Individuals have opportunities to join clubs, groups, and churches.
  • Individuals use local community resources and generic services.

5. Flexible, Tailored Services and Supports

  • An Individual has a service plan, which is developed through a person-centered planning process.
  • The plan reflects the support that the individual wants and needs.
  • Services are provided in the person’s home and community at times when they are preferred.
  • Services offer the individual opportunities to increase competence, confidence and quality of life.

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